Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why I'm Not a Liberal

Well, for those that have read my posts on other's blogs, i.e. mormonsforpeace and connorboyack.com, this post is for you. Whether you've been a witness to my transformation or not, hopefully you'll get something out of some growth I have had.

I'm against the Iraq war. Wild, huh? Not "against" in the stupid liberal way, but against as in "let's not do that again".

Let me say this first, for those of you that thought my transformation turned me into a liberal, or that I could vote for *cough* Obama... I can't, and I'm not... and I won't.

But I figure I owe an explanation for my change, so here it is, in all its glory. We shouldn't be messing with outside nations. There it is. No treaties, no alliances. Nothing. Trade, yes, but everything else no. Foreign aid - yes... unless it's done with a commitment, i.e $5B per year to some random muslim nation that hates us. Be charitable, not submissive. Take care of our own before we take care of theirs.

Let them fend for themselves.

That's the way George Washington wanted it, that's the way America ought to do it, and it'd work out pretty well if they did.

Just a quick answer on why I'm not a liberal: liberals claim to stand for freedom, but they trounce over the freedom of everyone they feel inclined to demonize. They ignore the rule of law, and seek to make the government a charity. But a charity only in the sense that it gives stuff to people that did not earn it - and in the process buying the votes of those they give to. There is a lot more evil there, but its root is that angel who fell from heaven; and his one desire was the enslavement and misery of all mankind. Liberalism, unfortunately, is the offshoot of that; it is the ideal of control of others by those two-legged pigs that are supposedly smart enough to make our decisions for us.

I'm not buying it. Go ahead, name one thing they've done that has really been good, and hasn't been fraught with corruption... I haven't been able to come up with one that isn't motivated primarily to enhance their own power.

You know, this will have to be expanded. I'll rewrite when I feel so inclined.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Not sure, but I may have gotten my wish....

So far, I have to admit that I'm impressed with Sarah Palin. She is blunt and doesn't play nice with socialist policies. I hope she stays that way, and I hope she can influence the liberal at the top of the Republican ticket.

I'd have no qualms about this race if the positions of the two were switched... ;)

I'm going to have to post my Economic Review here later. I'm tired right now, but I think it needs to be said, even if I'm the only visitor to my lonely little blog.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I have an out....

Well, it has at least come to this. Naturally, I can't support John McCain, who is nearly as liberal as Obama or Hillary. But.... I guess I can vote Republican. It's a shame that we can't nominate someone that respects the party. I get angry every time I think about it.

I wish we had a leader.....

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Why I'm Ready to Leave the Republican Party

Pretty simple. I didn't leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party has left the conservatives. It's time to bag 'em. If John McCain can become the nominee for the party, it's the WRONG PARTY.

I will NOT vote for him.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Why I Support the War on Terror

Why do I support the war? It's a pretty simple explanation, really. But I've finally decided to post something real to this blog. I've heard a lot from my friend over at Mormons for Peace and to be honest, some things used to make sense but no longer do.

My friend is a Ron Paul supporter. I thought he was a conservative that liked Ron Paul's entire message, but he also likes Obama. I can't imagine that, unless the only reason he supported Ron Paul was for his anti-war message. That's sad to me.

So here's why I'm FOR the war.

1) Al Qaida (and other terrorist organizations) is an organized, multi-national non-directly-affiliated military system. They are in multiple countries, and are not controlled DIRECTLY by those countries, but are given a wink and a nod from the governments of those countries, and also receive money under the table from many of them. Why? Because those governments (generally petty dictators) like power, and to them, the terrorists are like having a big brother in the mafia.

2) We were attacked on 9/11/2001. They essentially declared war on us. Who did? Not Afghanistan, not Iraq. No country. They're non-affiliated, but they're HOSTED in some countries.

3) We have every right, and indeed a responsiblity to future generations to make sure that these people are not given more power. How to do that? Take them out. Incidentally, we did not launch the first strike, or the second, or third... etc. It's about time we responded. If we do not, those same dictators will gain confidence; recruitment for the terrorist organizations will increase because they will not fear retribution for their actions. This falls on the very heart of terrorism; it's intent is to foment terror in others, or fear to act, to respond, or to even recognize the evil that it is. Some of the countries over there have already been overrun, or the people cannot respond because the government will not allow it. They've attacked us, we MUST respond.

4) If a country is housing this non-affiliated army, they are also declaring themselves to be in league with the terrorists if those countries do not assist in the eradication of the cells. We have every right to strike the terrorist army.

5) It's what Mormon would do.